Pentru motoarele utilizate de regulă cu cuplu motor ridicat, sistemul de
control al tracţiunii oferă un confort şi o siguranţă suplimentară, în
special pe un carosabil cu aderenţă diferită la roţi sau alunecos.
Sistemul de control al tracţiunii permite pornirea şi accelerarea
armonioasă fără răsucirea în gol a roţilor sau apariţia unui decalajul
lateral, indiferent de viteză. Sistemul de control al tracţiunii
funcţionează numai împreună cu acceleraţia controlată electronic şi
valorifică senzorii de turaţie a roţilor corespunzători sistemelor
anti-blocare (ABS). În cazul în care se constată o creştere bruscă a
turaţiei la nivelul unei roţi motoare (alunecare), sistemul acţionează
asupra managementului motorului, reduce puterea propulsorului şi evită
apariţia acestui efect. Sistemul de control al tracţiunii asigură
tracţiunea şi stabilitatea de rulare pe parcursul etapei de accelerare
la orice viteză şi susţine în acest mod siguranţa activă. În mod
suplimentar permite reducerea gradului de uzură a anvelopelor. Activarea
sistemului de control al tracţiunii este indicată prin intermediul unui
led care luminează intermitent la nivelul instrumentuluide bord,
include sistemul de blocare electronică a diferenţialului (EDS) şi face
parte din sistemul electronic de control al traiectoriei (ESP).
Dezactivarea sistemului de control al tracţiunii este posibilă prin
intermediul comutatorului ESP OFF.
ASC - automatic stability control - din cate stiu eu functioneaza in
cazul in care aderenta rotilor spate se rupe, accelerari si franari,
actionand ca un diferential blocabil pentru roata ce rupe aderenta, de
asemenea actionanad si asupra motorului nelivrand cuplu rotilor
Sistemul de antiblocare al rotilor – Cu ajutorul senzorilor
inductivi, calculatorul ABS, înregistrează viteza de rotaţie al roţilor,
dacă o roată tinde să se blocheze forta de frânare va fi scazuta până
când alunecarea este anihilată.
Sistemul de reglarea a
fortei de tractiune – reduce momentul de rotaţie al motorului în cazul
in care, la demaraj, roţile tind sa patineze, astfel asigurand o
aderenţă mai bună pe drumurile cu aderenta scazuta, nisip-zapada-gheata.
Dacă o roata începe să patineze, calculatorul motorului reduce
sistematic cantitatea de combustibil injectat, lucru prin care puterea
motorului, si cu aceasta forţa de tractiune care trebuie transmisă, se
Distribuţia electronică a forţei de frânare. La
autovehiculele cu tractiune faţă, partea din faţa este mai grea decât
partea din spate, astfel încât în cazul acţionării frânelor, centrul de
greutate al autovehiculului se deplasează spre faţă. Prin aceasta
aderenta la rotile spate scade simtitor si rotile tind sa se blocheze.
Prin distributia forţei de frânare, franarea automobilului se realizeaza
mai eficient, iar fenomenul de blocare al rotilor este inlaturat.
electronică a diferenţialului. Dacă o roată motoare pierde aderenta, in
conditii grele de deplasare, inpiedicand deplasarea autovehiculului,
printr-o forta de frânare definită, roata fara aderenta este frânată,
astfel forta de tractiune asupra roţii se deviază catre roata cu
aderenţă mai bună, permitand deplasarea .
electronic de asigurare a stabilităţii. Cu ajutorul ESP-ului se poate
creşte capacitatea de control asupra autovehiculului în situaţiile
limită ale dinamicii de deplasare. De exemplu, în cazul curbelor luate
prea rapid. ESP-ul extinde funcţia ABS si reduce pericolul de derapare,
în orice condiţii ale carosabilului. Prin intervenţia punctuală asupra
managementului motorului şi asupra frânelor, ESP-ul împiedică o posibilă
derapare a autovehiculului. ESP-ul actioneaza în întreg domeniul de
viteze şi se cuplează automat la fiecare pornire a motorului. Acest
sistem poate fi cuplat şi decuplat în caz de necesitate, prin apăsarea
tastei ESP. Dacă ESP-ul este decuplat, lampa de control este aprinsă în
permanenţă. Acest lucru este însă recomandat numai în cazul rularii cu
lanţuri de zăpadă şi în cazul suprafeţelor de rulare afanate, necompacte
de exemplu zăpadă , nisip, pietris.
Reglarea momentului
de rotatie al motorului. Acesta funcţie este integrata în sistemul
Traction Control (TCS). Dacă pe o suprafaţă carosabilă cu polei sau
gheaţă se decelereaza brusc sau se trece într-o treapta de viteză
inferioară, are loc o alunecare a roţilor motoare. MSR-ul înregistrează
acest lucru prin senzorii sistemului antiblocare şi stabilizeaza,
printr-o ridicare dirijată a turatiei motorului, starea autovehiculului.
Definitii luate dupa sunt mai jos:
Automatic Stability Control (ASC).
On uneven or slippery road surfaces the Automatic Stability Control
(ASC) system ensures you can accelerate out of each bend safely and with
maximum traction.
Automatic Stability Control (ASC) is an element of the Dynamic
Stability Control (DSC) system. It prevents loss of traction on the
drive wheels when setting off, when accelerating out of curves and in
other critical moments. When one wheel has good traction but the other
is on a slippery patch of road, the wheel with less traction is braked
until it is again able to gain a grip on the road surface.
If both wheels lose traction, the engine management system also
intervenes and reduces the power output, which significantly reduces the
danger of the rear of the vehicle skidding out. The entire process
takes place in milliseconds.
Thus ASC quickly brings the vehicle back to stability and restores
traction. Drivers wishing to attain a degree of wheel slip, for example
when aiming to have a certain amount of "drift", can disengage ASC if
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) adds to safety by facilitating vehicle control even in adverse driving conditions or on tough surfaces.
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) is the nucleus of the chassis control
systems in BMW vehicles. It ensures the highest possible levels of
stability when driving, and it maximizes traction of all wheels when
setting off or accelerating. It is able to detect the first signs of
oversteering or understeering and helps keep the vehicle safely on
course, even if the tyres have varying levels of grip.
Sophisticated sensors permanently check how the vehicle is driving.
Information comes a range of sensors monitoring wheel rotation, steering
angle, lateral forces, pressure and yaw (degree of rotation around the
vertical axis). A simulation model stored in the DSC control unit to
ensure stability ("one-/two-track model") and can be compared
information coming from the steering wheel and accelerator: if there is
too great a difference between the model and how the vehicle is
currently travelling, DSC acts to increase stability or traction.
The engine and brake management systems are targeted specifically;
xDrive is also included in all-wheel drive vehicles. Reducing or
increasing the engine torque or braking individual wheels can improve
stability and traction. Active Steering’s integrated yaw regulation
system can even help significantly reduce steering effort and the extent
of DSC’s contribution to stability.
Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) allows for sports-style driving dynamics even when DSC is controlling stability and when wheel traction is higher.
Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) is a sub-function of the Dynamic
Stability Control (DSC) system that can be turned on and off. DTC has
two major uses: to regulate traction and to enable sports-style driving
while providing active stability control.
If the front wheels are stuck in snow and cannot spin properly, this
leads to slip on the rear wheels (when they spin faster than the front
wheels, generally a sign that performance has been exceeded) and DSC
acts to change engine output: the power needed for forward movement is
reduced. Switching to DTC has a positive effect on this situation, as
traction is improved without a loss of power.
When DTC is on, it helps the driver alleviate the situation enough for
DSC's measures to become effective. The driver retains complete control
over the vehicle.
The BMW all-wheel drive system, xDrive, ensures your BMW has the
best possible traction at all times, enhancing agility and keeping you
safely on track, even on fast bends.
xDrive is the permanent all-wheel drive system from BMW: under normal
circumstances, it distributes driver power between the front and rear
axles in a 40:60 ratio, and changes this figure variably when the road
surface or overall driving conditions change.
Acting virtually instantaneously and a manner so subtle as to be go
virtually unnoticed by the vehicle's occupants, xDrive can direct up to
100% of drive forces to one axle. Enabling the driver to start up
effortlessly even on slippery surfaces or steep hills, xDrive routes all
power to the axles with the greatest traction. When parking, the system
reacts to the need for high manoeuvrability at low speed by opening the
clutch completely so the powertrain functions optimally.
At the first sign of understeering, drive power to the front axle is
reduced. If oversteering is detected, xDrive directs more power to the
front axle. Thanks to this dynamic redistribution of power, vehicle
stability returns to normal even before the driver notices anything
Driving on a winding road or taking a fast bend in dynamic style is
particularly enjoyable with xDrive: you feel as if your BMW is being
guided along the curve. xDrive ensures that none of drive power is
wasted on a loss of traction: every kilowatt of power is effectively
brought to bear on the road.
xDrive is regulated by Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) and uses
information from the latter system’s sensors to monitor road conditions.
In addition, brake force courtesy of DSC is used when there is traction
difference between the two sides of the vehicle and wheel spin is
ce rol are dsc am un bmw e46 320d astept un raspuns va rog
RăspundețiȘtergerece rol are dsc la bmw e46
RăspundețiȘtergereDynamic Stability Control (DSC) adica permite sa conduci sport oferind stabilitate.
RăspundețiȘtergereDynamic Stability Control (DSC).
RăspundețiȘtergereDynamic Stability Control (DSC) not only optimises driving stability when starting or accelerating, it also improves traction. In addition, the system recognises unstable driving conditions such as under - or oversteering and helps to maintain a safe course for the vehicle.
Advanced sensory technology monitors the wheel rotation speed, lateral acceleration and the yaw rate (rotation around the vertical axis). This data is processed to obtain information about the automobile as it is currently moving, and is compared with data about how it should be currently moving, as supplied by the accelerator and the angle of the steering wheel.
If these two lists of data do not match and the automobile s stability is threatened, DSC is activated and influences the brake system or the engine management. This action helps prevent dangerous situations such as skidding.
Dynamic Traction Control (DTC).
Compared to Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) provides rear wheel vehicles with greater propulsion. This increased strength serves different purposes depending on the type of automobile. In the 5 Series and 7 Series, for example, it is ideal for straight stretches of road, and for maximum power when driving in snow or sleet.
In the 3 Series and Z4 Roadster, DTC also plays a role when on bends - it enhances the car's propulsion and its sports-style qualities. The driver is in full control of their vehicle within a predetermined parameter: the regulatory functions are inactive. DSC optimises directional stability within certain boundaries.
Active Steering
Active Steering gives drivers more precise handling and tracking: this ensures that their automobiles are more mobile and agile even on twisting roads. A planetary gear is integrated with the steering column; depending on the situation, the feature varies the angle of steering determined by the user at the wheel (superimposed steering).
It increases the steering angle at lower and mid-range speeds; by contrast, at higher speeds (e.g. on motorways), the steering angle is reduced. When parking, the active steering feature makes it easier to manoeuvre by amplifying the movements of the steering wheel.
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